Members stories

never go away from me...

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Leiden University's Master of Laws in Advanced Legal and Digital Studies (L.L.M.) explores law and g...

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In professional sport in the United States, there are features inherent in this phenomenon: the focu...

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Some celebrities are of such magnitude and influence that it is impossible to understand them throug...

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Only sincere people around me...

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At one time amazing animals inhabited our planet. Dinosaurs were nature's most impressive creations....

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Willy, or riding on the back wheel, is the most famous stunt that is performed on a motorcycle, even...

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Pants and shorts that no one would find ridiculous or questionable if we were in an Alice in Wonderl...

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In recent years, interest in dried flowers has grown several times over. They are chosen by follower...

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Research by Forbes magazine has shown that more than half of drivers have never driven their car bef...

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Mnemonics (definition in new modern systems of memorization) is a system of "internal writing" based...

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Useful fruits))))))...

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Life is wonderful with a loved one .... no one should be alone ... everyone deserves to be happy...

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