Members stories

Smile and say thank you to the universe for having what you have and breathing...

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If you can free yourself from complexes and be happy with what you have, then you are the most amazi...

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NHS Digital is the trade name for the Health and Social Care Information Centre, which is the nation...

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Lectures on fashion history, calligraphy and carpentry courses, miniature golf, a recording studio, ...

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Today flags of exotic countries and islands are ideal for registration of sailing and motor yachts, ...

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Various factors, both positive and negative, can affect the outcome of a competition. One of them is...

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The usual pumping of muscle mass or fat burning in the gym seemed to many specialists to be insuffic...

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Although I have lived in England for countless years and have an English mother, I will never forget...

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On August 19, 2020, it was 137 years since the birth of the great Coco Chanel. She did more for wome...

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