Members stories

Scheidung in Ghana ist eine echte Komödie. Hier müssen die sich trennenden Ehegatten in den gleichen...

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Traveling through a tunnel drilled through the Earth will take only 42 minutes 12 seconds. And for t...

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History The appearance of the first camera coincided with the invention of "heliography" by Joseph N...

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Filipino Rhea Bullos impressed everyone with the "shoes" in which she won the competition between sc...

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Nemo 33 is a scuba diving center in Belgium. The pool has two large ledges at a depth of 5 and 10 me...

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There are many legends associated with the village of Essuiro: from unique tree leaves that attract ...

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Due to the large passenger traffic, the Chinese subway simply cannot cope with rush hour. In order f...

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The man in the photo was abandoned by his ex-wife, and even sued for alimony (against herself). What...

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The Central African Republic introduced compulsory teaching of the Russian language in schools and u...

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In 2002, 19 year old cleaner Mickey Carroll won the British National Lottery. With the $ 15 million ...

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In Japanese schools up to grade 4, no tests are introduced. The Japanese believe that at this age it...

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Technology is always and everywhere, its number is growing, and many people can no longer imagine th...

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Due to poverty and the lack of quality medicine, the standard of living here is such that if a child...

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Senegalese people are superstitious, so most of them attach a goat's tail to the car - so that they ...

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Tanzania has the most albinos on the planet While in the world the ratio is 1:20 000, in Tanzania t...

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But the point is not in the technology of making these lenses, but in the fact that the genetics of ...

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An amazing swamp is located on the outskirts of New Orleans. This is a unique ecosystem with its own...

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It's hard to imagine a company without a logo. The stiffer the competition, the more important it is...

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In the forests of India grows the Kalir-kanda plant, called in the local dialect "trick the stomach"...

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Moroccan brides have the brightest and most colorful outfits, adorned with draperies, precious stone...

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There is a special connection between the Japanese and tuna - the Japanese consume the bulk of the w...

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In 2017, the academy was founded by Daniel Akhala, a passionate ballet fan and self-taught choreogra...

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There is a restaurant in Dusseldorf where you can eat GOLDEN SAUSAGES. These are ordinary sausages, ...

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On the island of Marajo (Brazil) there is an unusual practice - patrolling the streets on horseback ...

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The white beach in Santorini is located near the red one, you can swim to it on a hired boat. It loo...

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The first mechanical alarm clock was invented by Levi Hutchins But he knew how to wake up only at 4...

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Once a patient named Artem Sidorkin came to the clinic. Complained of chest pain. The doctors thoug...

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We found out that there are about 100 thousand seamounts on our planet. Although only 1K locations a...

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Renting a luxury private yacht is one of the finest luxury vacations imaginable. A charter yacht vac...

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Your person is the one with whom you feel completely natural. You release all your feelings to freed...

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Eyes open but void of life $V Instead of being angry and heartbroken, instead of judging, we must go...

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Forget everything you knew about life and just open your eyes...

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Freediving is a type of breath-holding scuba diving. This is its main difference from diving. A pers...

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Observe nature closely, and you will understand everything much better....

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Cetaceans, in particular whales, have the largest sizes among animals: a blue whale (blue whale) in ...

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We are a bridge across eternity, towering over the sea of time, where we enjoy adventure, amuse ours...

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This is surprising, but many are offended even by the very idea that a man and a monkey are relative...

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What we resist indicates what we lack....

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_The most important thing is harmony in your soul, for it is capable of creating happiness out of no...

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"The one you love and the one who loves you can never be one person."...

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Indeed, what is "Love"? To be a candle flame, or to touch a burning fire?...

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"Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to your life? Since you cannot do this very little thi...

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Blessed is anyone who is captured by her. Those who stand as dust at her feet are blessed. On a swee...

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Mithrandir? Why the Halfling? - I do not know. Saruman believes that it is only great power that can...

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Life has no other meaning than the one that we put into it....

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Love each other "this commandment is given wisely. Nothing can harmonize psychic energy better than ...

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When preparing lunch for a friend, don't forget to add love to it....

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If you are calm, the whole world becomes calm for you. It's like a reflection. Everything that you a...

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??Literature requires not only a talented writer, but also a talented reader. The writer, creating w...

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The greatest happiness is to feel loved. Not to know, but to feel!...

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