Members stories

True beauty lives in the heart, is reflected in the eyes and manifests itself in actions....

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Romance is a mood when you see a miracle in everything ordinary....

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There is nothing complicated about happiness. A person is either happy or not. You need to feel a ha...

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One day such happiness will come into your life that you will understand - it is worth all your past...

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Love is not a solution. This feeling. If we could decide who to love, everything would be much easie...

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I want to look out the window with a loved one in an embrace at such a beautiful, snowy and gentle w...

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Movement is life. But the question is, where is she going?...

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All miracles begin with a shift in perception. No matter how hard you try, you won't be good for eve...

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You stand on the shore and feel the salty smell of the wind that blows from the sea. And you believe...

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Many animals are much larger than humans. Some of them are formidable predators, while others are ha...

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the most beautiful time of the year when everything is in bloom...

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Cotton candy was invented by a dentist....

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The 1934 $100,000 bill is the largest bill ever issued. It was not widely used and was used for vari...

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The peacock spider? has an unusual appearance. This is the most beautiful spider in the world. If...

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The party can be called a real celebration of body and soul. After all, only the best and funniest f...

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