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Sports activities can help overcome depression
Radically increase the efficiency of the heart muscle, and some experts are convinced that this will prevent the development of cancer. Doctors and the scientific community from different countries have managed to find out the enormous importance that some sports have on the quality and length of human life. Did you know that sport prolongs life? And the fact that different sports disciplines do this with different effectiveness, which is confirmed by medical studies involving several tens of thousands of people? Sports activities can help overcome depression, radically increase the efficiency of the heart muscle, and some experts are convinced that this will prevent the development of cancer. Doctors and the scientific community from different countries have managed to find out the enormous importance that some sports have on the quality and length of human life. Did you know that sport prolongs life? And the fact that different sports disciplines do this with different effectiveness, which is confirmed by medical studies involving several tens of thousands of people? One of these studies, with the participation of scientists from various universities and research centers in Europe, Japan and Australia, was conducted from 1995 to 2008.