How works
How to find an interesting person for a great conversation?
Tired of being lonely? Looking for a serious relationship? Want to meet new people online? LifeForLove will help to find the partner of your dreams. Sign up now for free and start flirting with single people. Explore multiple member profiles and start promising online dating.
Easy registration
Want to get started now? It's easy! All you need for registration is a valid email address. Enter your age, gender and where you're from. The search will start right then!
Here's how LifeForLove works
Once you've found the profile of the user you'd like to chat with, you can use the messaging feature. Chat is a great way to decide if something more is possible and if you're ready for your first online flirt.
No hidden costs
There are no hidden costs with LifeForLove. Paid features can only be used after you have purchased the necessary credits. All paid features are marked accordingly, so you can't accidentally use something for which you will then be charged.
20 free credits when you register
When you register you get 20 credits for free right away. In this way you can send messages to interesting users you want to get to know. You can buy more coins in various packages, and they start from $20.
We're here to help
If you have any questions about LifeForLove or your account, our support team is on call 24/7. We'll answer your questions and do everything we can to make you even more comfortable with LifeForLove.
Interested and want to try LifeForLove? Don't even hesitate! Chat for flirting waits for you. Just sign up without any obligations! Once you register you can start searching through the profiles of users, many of whom are online. Get ready for exciting new acquaintances and you might soon find the partner of your dreams for a long term relationship or virtual friendship.