Become a gigolo – get paid to date girls!

Imagine you are dating a girl and you get paid for that. Isn't that every guy's dream? And these guys exist and really feel good about themselves. Believe it or not, there are contracts that sugar mommy concludes with the guys, since both participants have an interest. There are many ways on how to become a gigolo, but it is worth dividing them into several main parts.
- A mature woman. You can date a woman older than you, who will pay for all your whims, present gifts and give pocket money. To become a real gigolo, keep in mind that a woman must necessarily have capital, because she must not only provide for herself, but also for you. Basically, these are rich widows, or heiresses who did not have time to spend all their capital in their entire life and now dream of being surrounded by young guys and having fun to the fullest.
- A rich daughter. Usually these girls do not pay attention to how much money you have, the main thing for them is that you pay attention to her and show in every way how dear she is to you and how much you value her. If a girl is in love with you, she will do everything so that you live a decent life and do not deny yourself anything. Agree, it's not uncommon to hear stories or even see in a film how a girl's boyfriend is arranged by her father for a job in a leadership position. Such guys will spin in chocolate if they are loyal to their chosen one and do not get caught flirting with another girl, because having received EVERYTHING too quickly, you can also quickly lose it. After such a situation, her father is unlikely to want to do business with you. But do not despair if you do not want to work, the parents of a rich girl will do everything to ensure that her daughter is in abundance and live a luxury life, so often rich parents will take upon themselves all the expenses regarding the comfort of your chosen one and you.
- Debtor. This style will not suit everyone and it is not entirely honest, but it is worth to say that some guys live their life not bad and do not even have a job. Everything is very simple, at first they ask for help in something insignificant and after help they are very flattered and thank their passion, which provokes the ladies in love to help their crush even more. Gradually, the girls pay for their accommodation, buy clothes, feed them at their own expense, and so on.
But think twice before you decide to become a gigolo, do you really need it?