The 4 stages of every friends with benefits relationship

Many men are eager to have sex with a girl, but without commitment. This position is very convenient, because you don't have any dates, excuses, courtship or gifts. So to speak, slept - scattered. So what can you do to make sex without commitment work, and the girl is not offended?
Feel the soil. A woman who wants sex without obligation will seek a man more actively. For such a girl, it will be immediately noticeable - what she wants. She will turn, turning not only her head, but also her body towards you. Such a girl will strive to touch you with her palm, she will flirt with you more than others. If you spot such a girl, start a conversation with her. Start talking about sex, casually mentioning a friend who is just obsessed with intimacy. The larger her eyes become with such a conversation, the more likely you will hear "Yes" from her tonight. Speak freely. Be honest about your intentions.
If you do not want a serious relationship, you do not need to promise "mountains of gold" and "feed" ridiculous promises. Thus, you will not only not get what you want, but also bring a naive girl closer to you, who will dream of a relationship and a wedding. If a girl is not ready for this kind of sex, listen to her concerns about it. Be able to listen at such moments and be imbued with a conversation. Say that you understand her, but there is nothing wrong with that. Make adjustments to your proposal that will appeal to the girl. To increase your chances of having sex without obligation, you need to choose girls at a party or club. Girls often go to such places to pick up a guy for one night. Arouse the girl
To achieve a result, you need to take some action, and not just speak your teeth. If the girl starts to get bored, ask her an exciting question. This will avoid a silly pause and liberate the girl. Just do not need to blatantly flatter, raising her to the status of the Goddess who has just descended from Olympus. Be frank and honest. Allow yourself tactile communication by gently touching her body. You can do a light massage. Try the tactic of three yes. Ask her three questions, to which she will answer "Yes", then ask the question you are interested in at the expense of the evening. If she is subconsciously ready, she will automatically say "Yes", if not, then not destiny - look for another victim. Give her a word. Obsession will not lead to anything good. It's like in the market, the more intrusive the seller, the faster you want to leave him. Let her say, keep yourself only 20% of the conversation, giving her the other 80.
Do not argue with her and do not lead to the main goal of the evening for 15 minutes. If she's not sure, keep talking and buy her a cocktail. As soon as she agrees, do not drag out and take her away for further pastime. In the morning, continue the conversation with her on yesterday's topics. This will give you the chance to have a second sex without obligation. Don't mention personal relationships. Even this kind of spontaneous sex can lead to the development of relationships. If you don't need them, be direct, but not harsh. Explain that you will remain good buddies who can support each other at any time. Sit apart from her, keeping a distance. Be realistic - you need to get it over with. Follow these rules and then sex without obligation will be provided to you.
And the stages of your relationship are different. Often it follows this way: acquaintance - a period of sympathy - hanging out together - friends- sex without obligations.